Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sesame Workshop

Can you tell me how to to get to Sesame Street? These words bring a familiar tune to the mind of millions of Americans young and old. I selected Sesame Workshop as my focus for this blog entry because I am already a fan of the site. I have used the videos frequently with my grandchildren and my students. I use the overhead projector and a video screen for whole class viewing. There are videos that focus on letters and numbers and others that focus on character lessons and life lessons such as sharing and hygiene. I create power points for my students in the familiar Sesame Street format, entering a phoneme at a time to spell a word. The Sesame Street program has always been near and dear to me but now after taking the time to fully explore the site I was amazed by the magnitude of this non-profit organization. The Sesame Street Workshop produces their engaging educational content in sixteen countries around the world. Viewing the clips of the Sesame Street productions utilized in these various countries was very interesting. It was also interesting to see how their objectives for content differed from one country to another. The process that goes into the development of their content is so impressive. They continuously conduct intensive research to assess it's impact. Their mission is to make a meaningful difference in the lives of children worldwide by addressing their critical developmental needs. I believe they are and will continue to be successful in this mission. The characters of Sesame Street have been a beneficial part of my children's lives and now my grandchildren's lives as well.